Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend the congress?

The congress is open to faculty members, researchers, teachers, special education experts, psychologists, therapists, students and anyone interested in the field of special education.

When and where will the congress take place?

The congress will be held on 9-10-11 September 2024 at Istanbul Aydın University’s Florya Campus (Halit Aydın Campus).

What topics will be discussed at the congress?

Topics to be discussed within the scope of this congress: early intervention and special education in early childhood, mainstreaming/integration practices, family education and participation, teacher training in special education, education/employment of adults with special needs, transition processes in special education, technology-supported education in special education, distance education in special education, diagnosis in special education. and evaluation, legal issues in special education, scientifically based practices/effective practices, etc. It covers different topics related to the field. In our congress, abstracts will be subject to referee evaluation, and papers accepted as a result of blind referee evaluation will be included in the program.

How can I register?

Registration is done online via the congress website. You can complete the registration process by filling out the registration form on the website.

Will accommodation be provided at the congress?

No. Participants must cover their own accommodation.

How can I reach the congress?

Transportation to the [location] campus of Istanbul Aydin University, where the congress will be held, can be provided by public transportation or private vehicles. Detailed transportation information is available on the congress website.

Where can I get more information about the congress?

For more information about the congress, you can visit the congress website or contact the organizing committee. Contact information is on the website.

E-mail address: [email protected]